No Context Golden Sun


Q: Is that a Golden Sun manga? Where can I read it?
A: Yes! Golden Sun has 2 official manga, the 4-Koma (a collection of non-canon jokes drawn by various artists) and the Dark Dawn V-Jump promotional manga (which covers an abbreviated version of the events of the prologue). Neither of these are officially translated, so what I use on the account are fan translations. The 4-koma was translated by SoraGSilverwind, and the Dark Dawn manga catmaster0116. You can read them here:
Dark Dawn:

Q: Where do you get your images from?
A: A mix of places. Some are screenshots from my own playthroughs (the ones with changed character names are ALWAYS mine unless specified that it was a submission), and some are taken from playthroughs on YouTube. There's a full list of playthroughs I source at the bottom of the page. In some weirder cases, like highly specific secrets or tricky to recreate glitches, screenshots are taken directly off of the Golden Sun wiki.

Q: What can I submit?
A: Anything from official Golden Sun content. Fan-translations of official media, rom hacks, and glitches are all also perfectly fine. If you're submitting a rom-hack, just let me know what it is beforehand. I'll also sometimes accept heavily edited screenshots, but I judge those on a case by case basis. I do NOT accept fanart, fanfic, video essays, or memes. Those should be submitted to @IsaacAdepts and @GS_Shitposts instead. If you're not sure if what you have fits the criteria, feel free to shoot a request anyways!

Q: Can you retweet my post?
A: The answer is usually no. I tend to only retweet large community events (things like Golden Sunday announcements, zine releases, or large-scale music collaborations). I almost never retweet individual projects on this account, and I very infrequently retweet things like polls. If it's a screenshot of something funny and you @ me, I might retweet it, but don't count on it. You're probably better off instead submitting to accounts dedicated to sharing Golden Sun content like @IsaacAdepts, @GoldenSunFans, or @GS_Shitposts.

Q: Is this actually in the game?
A: All the screenshots on this account were taken in-game and are unedited unless it's specifically said that they're not.

Q: Is Golden Sun coming to Switch?
A: I don't know, I'm not a leaker. I hope so though.

Q: Doesn't this page give context to a no context account?
A: Yea